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Awaiting a component with coroutines

You can also use components without setting a handler, and instead await the event:

class SlashClickWaiter(private val buttons: Buttons) : ApplicationCommand() {
    @JDASlashCommand(name = "click_waiter", description = "Sends a button and waits for it to be clicked")
    suspend fun onSlashClickWaiter(event: GuildSlashEvent) {
        val button = buttons.primary("Click me").ephemeral {
            // Make it so this button is only usable once
            singleUse = true

            // Only allow the caller to use the button
            constraints += event.user

        // Wait for the allowed user to click the button
        val buttonEvent: ButtonEvent = button.awaitOrNull() // (1)!
            ?: return event.hook
                .awaitUnit() // (2)!

            // Replace the entire message
            // Delete after 5 seconds
            // Note that the coroutine will resume *after the message is deleted*
  1. AwaitableComponent<T>.awaitOrNull returns null when the component expired, useful when combined with an elvis operator, this is the equivalent of a try catch on TimeoutCancellationException. Since there is no timeout set here, the default duration is used.

  2. RestAction<*>.awaitUnit is an extension to await and then return Unit, which helps in common scenarios where you want to reply using an elvis operator.