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Using rate limits

Rate limits lets you reject interactions when they are used too much in a time span.

For more details, check out the docs of Bucket4J

Defining a rate limit

Rate limits can be defined by implementing RateLimitProvider, the overridden function will run before registering commands, so you can use them anywhere.

Defining bucket configurations

A BucketConfiguration defines what the limits are, you can supply different configurations based on the context, by implementing a BucketConfigurationSupplier, or you can create a configuration with the factories in Buckets, or with the BucketConfiguration builder.


If you want to give the same configuration regardless of context, you can use BucketConfigurationSupplier.constant(BucketConfiguration) (or BucketConfiguration#toSupplier() for Kotlin users)


// Lets the user use the command 5 times in an hour, but also 2 times in 2 minutes to prevent spam
val bucketConfiguration = Buckets.spikeProtected(
    capacity = 5,               // 5 uses
    duration = 1.hours,         // Gives 5 tokens gradually, during an hour (1 token every 12 minutes)
    spikeCapacity = 2,          // 2 uses
    spikeDuration = 2.minutes   // Give 2 tokens every 2 minutes
// Lets the user use the command 5 times in an hour, but also 2 times in 2 minutes to prevent spam
final var bucketConfiguration = Buckets.createSpikeProtected(
        5,                      // 5 uses
        Duration.ofHours(1),    // Gives 5 tokens gradually, during an hour (1 token every 12 minutes)
        2,                      // 2 uses
        Duration.ofMinutes(2)   // Give 2 tokens every 2 minutes

Creating a rate limiter

The default rate limiters should provide you ready-made implementations for both in-memory and proxied buckets, refer to the example attached to them.


val rateLimiter = RateLimiter.createDefault(
    // Apply to each user, regardless of channel/guild
    // Delete the message telling the user about the remaining rate limit after it expires
    deleteOnRefill = true,
    // Give our constant bucket configuration
    configurationSupplier = bucketConfiguration.toSupplier()
final var rateLimiter = RateLimiter.createDefault(
        // Apply to each user, regardless of channel/guild
        // Give our constant bucket configuration
        // Delete the message telling the user about the remaining rate limit after it expires

However, you can also create a custom one by implementing RateLimiter, which is the combination of:

  • BucketAccessor: Retrieves a Bucket based on the context
  • RateLimitHandler: Handles when an interaction has been rate limited (often to tell the user about it)


When making a custom rate limiter, you can delegate one of the default implementations to avoid reimplementing existing behavior.

You can also use BucketKeySupplier to help you define functions returning a bucket key (an identifier basically), based on the execution context.

Registering the rate limiter

You can now register using RateLimitManager#rateLimit(String, RateLimiter), the group (name of the rate limiter) must be unique.

Full example

class WikiRateLimitProvider : RateLimitProvider {

    override fun declareRateLimit(manager: RateLimitManager) {
        // Lets the user use the command 5 times in an hour, but also 2 times in 2 minutes to prevent spam
        val bucketConfiguration = Buckets.spikeProtected(
            capacity = 5,               // 5 uses
            duration = 1.hours,         // Gives 5 tokens gradually, during an hour (1 token every 12 minutes)
            spikeCapacity = 2,          // 2 uses
            spikeDuration = 2.minutes   // Give 2 tokens every 2 minutes

        val rateLimiter = RateLimiter.createDefault(
            // Apply to each user, regardless of channel/guild
            // Delete the message telling the user about the remaining rate limit after it expires
            deleteOnRefill = true,
            // Give our constant bucket configuration
            configurationSupplier = bucketConfiguration.toSupplier()

        // Register, any command can use it
        manager.rateLimit(RATE_LIMIT_GROUP, rateLimiter)

    companion object {
        // The name of the rate limit, so you can reference it in your commands/components
        const val RATE_LIMIT_GROUP = "Wiki"
public class WikiRateLimitProvider implements RateLimitProvider {
    // The name of the rate limit, so you can reference it in your commands/components
    public static final String RATE_LIMIT_GROUP = "Wiki";

    public void declareRateLimit(@NotNull RateLimitManager rateLimitManager) {
        // Lets the user use the command 5 times in an hour, but also 2 times in 2 minutes to prevent spam
        final var bucketConfiguration = Buckets.createSpikeProtected(
                5,                      // 5 uses
                Duration.ofHours(1),    // Gives 5 tokens gradually, during an hour (1 token every 12 minutes)
                2,                      // 2 uses
                Duration.ofMinutes(2)   // Give 2 tokens every 2 minutes

        final var rateLimiter = RateLimiter.createDefault(
                // Apply to each user, regardless of channel/guild
                // Give our constant bucket configuration
                // Delete the message telling the user about the remaining rate limit after it expires

        // Register
        rateLimitManager.rateLimit(RATE_LIMIT_GROUP, rateLimiter);

Cancelling rate limits

If your interaction does an early return, you can also return the token with cancelRateLimit(), so the user won't get penalized for this interaction.


suspend fun onSlashRateLimit(event: GuildSlashEvent) {
    // Assuming we have voice states cached
    if (!event.member.voiceState!!.inAudioChannel()) {
        // Note that this would be easier done using a filter,
        // as no token would be used, and would also be cleaner.
        return event.reply_("You must be in a voice channel").awaitUnit()

    event.reply("Hello world!").await()
public void onSlashRateLimit(GuildSlashEvent event) {
    // Assuming we have voice states cached
    if (!event.getMember().getVoiceState().inAudioChannel()) {
        // Note that this would be easier done using a filter,
        // as no token would be used, and would also be cleaner.
        event.reply("You must be in a voice channel").queue();

    event.reply("Hello world!").queue();